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BB Nuance Postformed Panel - 2420 x 1200 x 11mm - Magma

Item No. 813567
Price £385.84
In stock


The most versatile of the panels for shower enclosures and bath panels.
Features one finished radius edge and one tongue to link to tongue and groove (T&G) panels.

Please note:
1. Use ONLY Complete adhesives and coloured sealants to validate the 15 year guarantee.
2. Position all joints vertically especially in wet areas.
3. Always start panel installations from a corner before working out. This requires the removal of the tongue on a postformed panel.
4. Always allow at least a 2mm gap when finishing at a fixed wall or ceiling and finish with a bead of Complete coloured sealant.
5. When installing T&G panels ensure the receiving edge of the first panel is the groove, and Complete coloured sealant is applied into the groove as well as on the tongue of each joint.
6. When panels meet at a tongue and groove joint, remember designs are not intended to match across the joint. This is more obvious on large scale pattern/decors.

Please refer to the installation instructions below for more details.


BB Nuance
Nuance Group 2
No. 2

BB Nuance Postformed Panel - 2420 x 1200 x 11mm - Magma

Item No. 813567
Price £385.84
In stock


The most versatile of the panels for shower enclosures and bath panels.
Features one finished radius edge and one tongue to link to tongue and groove (T&G) panels.

Please note:
1. Use ONLY Complete adhesives and coloured sealants to validate the 15 year guarantee.
2. Position all joints vertically especially in wet areas.
3. Always start panel installations from a corner before working out. This requires the removal of the tongue on a postformed panel.
4. Always allow at least a 2mm gap when finishing at a fixed wall or ceiling and finish with a bead of Complete coloured sealant.
5. When installing T&G panels ensure the receiving edge of the first panel is the groove, and Complete coloured sealant is applied into the groove as well as on the tongue of each joint.
6. When panels meet at a tongue and groove joint, remember designs are not intended to match across the joint. This is more obvious on large scale pattern/decors.

Please refer to the installation instructions below for more details.


BB Nuance
Nuance Group 2
No. 2